Service Integration & Management Foundation


Service Integration and Management (SIAM™) is a methodology used to manage multiple service providers and to integrate them seamlessly to provide a single business-facing IT organization. The SIAM® Foundation tests a candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the terminology and the core principles. This SIAM® certification covers themes such as: potential benefits as well as the challenges and risks of implementing Service Integration and Management.

The SIAM® certification also includes examples of implementation structures, governance, tooling and data considerations and the common processes used in a SIAM ecosystem. A candidate who successfully completes the SIAM® Foundation knows how Service Integration and Management delivers business value and is able to contribute to the implementation and use of SIAM in an organization.

Service Integration and Management (SIAM) also has a synonym: multi-sourcing integration (MSI). Within the scope of this certification, only the term Service Integration and Management is used.

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